Monday, April 26, 2010

Employee Happiness

A wise employer will grow happiness under his employees' feet, and it will bear fruit in productivity, loyalty, and possibly health care savings. Investing in happiness has the potential for a huge pay-off, and the up-front costs are usually small.

One of the best ways to give your office a sunnier disposition is to literally let the sun shine in. Natural lighting offers a spectrum of benefits ranging from reducing stress, to increasing alertness, to relieving eyestrain and headaches. If this isn't possible, the next best solution might be as simple as changing the old light bulb to one that copies nature more closely than standard fluorescent tube lighting.

Once you have sufficient lighting, adding live plants will help grow a happier environment. As a bonus, they clear the air too. A NASA study produced a list of the top fifteen houseplants for improving air quality. The top two are heartleaf and elephant leaf philodendrons, and all are easily available in flower shops and nurseries.

Dirt and grime are depressing, but there is a cleaning solution for that. A clean office is a happier office. That philosophy extends to the bathroom areas as well. It is also important to keep up with small maintenance jobs so drawers pull easily, hinges swing freely, and knobs don't come off in your hand.

People are happier when they know that they are being heard. Listening to your employees and then responding with thoughtful feedback can do wonders to boost morale. Being heard makes employees feel more secure, and good communication reduces tensions in the workplace. You can get your best answers for what makes an employee happy from your employees themselves.

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